Navigating Buzz

Knowing your way around the Learning Management System (LMS) that BYU Independent Study is using to deliver its online courses is critical to your success as an online learner. The LMS BYU IS is currently using is called “Buzz.”

Here are several tutorials designed to help you successfully navigate Buzz. You can watch them now, or watch them later as questions arise. Don’t forget to take notes!

Expand tutorials to full screen for easier viewing.

Viewing a Course

Viewing a Course Transcript

Taking Self-Checks

Taking Self-Checks Transcript

Submitting an Assignment

Submitting an Assignment Transcript

Posting to a Discussion Board

Posting to a Discussion Board Transcript

Viewing Grades

Viewing Grades Transcript

Communication Tools

Communication Tools Transcript

Calendaring Tools

Calendaring Tools Transcript

Finding a Proctor

Finding a Proctor Transcript

Requesting an Exam

Requesting an Exam Transcript